WHY should you use Git?

From web developers to app developers, Git is useful to anyone who writes code or track changes to files. So what’s it all about and why should you start using it? What is Git? Git is the most commonly used version control system. Git tracks the changes you make to files, so you have a record …

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HOW to create different shapes with CSS?

Here’s how you can create different shapes using CSS 1. Square 2. Circle 3. Oval 4. Trapezoid 5. Rectangle 6. Parallelogram 7. Triangle Up 8. Triangle Down 9. Triangle Left 10. Triangle Right Here’s the full HTML code to check

HOW to promote your BLOG?

If you’re blogging to market a product or service, you will, of course, need people to read it. If no one sees your blog, it has no value. Below are some blog promotion ideas that can help grow a blog following: 1. Produce for Different Platforms Create content in different formats to tap into new networks. Each …

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WHY you should write BLOG?

Blogging can be incredibly valuable to a variety of people and for a variety of reasons. Blogging is not just for businesses! I’ve benefited personally, professionally, and financially from blogging. Writing has actually become one of my favorite hobbies. I recommend blogging to almost everyone I meet. Here are some of the biggest reasons why I think …

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